Tag Archives: joe biden presidential medal of freedom award

Joe Biden Will Become the 46th President of the United States

What kind of a man do Democrats have that will run against the most dangerous President in American history? The following video will explain what kind of man should and will become the next President of the United States.

After 8 years as the 44th President of the United States, President Barack Obama payed tribute to Joe Biden, as he presented to him the Presidential Medal of Freedom just before he left office. The date was January 12, 2017. I begin reporting to the viewers of this blog with President Obama outlining in fair detail, what Joe Biden is and what he represents while paying tribute to him as being the best Vice-President he could have ever had during his presidency. My job here will be to continue reporting about Vice-President Joe Biden for the next 4 years and maybe beyond, especially now since he has become the Presumptive Democratic Presidential Nominee to run against our current president Donald J. Trump who is the most divisive president in American history, but to continue reporting on Joe Biden especially when he becomes the 46th President of the United States.

View the video below and get a real inside look into the man who will win the Whitehouse in November.