Tag Archives: U.S census

Executive Orders Signed on Day One of Biden’s Presidency

As outlined by the new Press Secretary Jen Psaki in the first daily briefing to reporters, President Joe Biden signed 17 Executive orders on his very first day in office.  One of his main goals by signing them was to undo allot of what President Trump has done that destabilized the world. From President Biden’s explanation during the signing, he stated that this is only the beginning in an attempt to re-establish the United States place as the leader in Democracy throughout the world. Here they are as signed in no particular order.

  • Mandated 100-day Mask Wearing requirement and Social Distancing for Federal Buildings, airlines, trains and interstate transit systems.
  • Support for under-served communities.
  • Signed an Order to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord.
  • The Department of Education asked to Extend pauses on student loan payments until at least September 30
  • Revoke Permits for Keystone XL; Oil and Gas Developments at Wildlife Monuments
  • Require appointees to take ethics pledge barring them from acting in personal interest and requiring them to uphold the independence of the Department of Justice (DOJ)
  • Rejoin the World Health Organization as Dr. Fauci accepts Joe Biden’s offer to stay as top health adviser.
  • Offering a path to citizenship
  • Hire Covid-19 Response Coordinators including Obama-Era “Directorate for Global Health Security and Bio-defense” to create a unified national response to the pandemic.
  • Extend Moratoriums on Evictions and Foreclosures until at least March 31.
  • Count those who are here illegally in the U.S. Census.
  • Role back Regulatory Universals by previous administration to protect public health and the environment
  • Temporary moratorium on all oil and natural gas leasing in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and re-establishes the inter-agency working group on the social cost of greenhouse gases.
  • Launched a government effort to advance racial equity and root out systemic racism from Federal programs and institutions.
  • Directed the Director of Homeland Security in consultation of the Attorney General to preserve and fortify DACA which provides temporary relief from deportation to Dreamers and young people who were brought to this country as children.
  • The President put an end to the Muslim ban.
  • He signed a proclamation halting any funding of construction of the previous administrations border wall and termination the prior administrations national emergency use to divert money for its construction.

Biden also sent a bill to the U.S. Congress that will modernize the U.S. Immigration system. It will provide opportunities to hard working people who lived here in the US for decades an opportunity to earn citizenship. Biden’s priority reflected in the bill would be to responsibly manage the border, keep families together, grow our economy, address the root causes of migration from Central America and insure that America can continue to be a refuge to those fleeing prosecution.