Author Archives: James

Elizabeth Warren Endorses Joe Biden For President

Yet another top contender for the White House is Elizabeth Warren who announced on April 15th that she now endorsed presumptive Democratice nominee for U.S. President – Joe Biden to become the next President of the United States.

She waited to be the last main candidate to support him. It was important to her that she support Joe to show complete the show of unity from all of the Democratic candidates.

The full video of her endorsement is immediately below…



Barack Obama Endorses Joe Biden for President

It’s just a matter of time that a Democrat will once again occupy the White House. As he became the Presumptive Democratic nominee for President in 2020, Joe Biden received his most important endorsement, that of our last President, Barack Obama. A video by Barack announcing his support is below. Presently, Donald Trump is on a downward spiral and realizes that he now will have a very difficult time in winning re-election to the White House. Even though he is too self-centered and has an ego that can reach the moon, Donald Trump will never admit his shortcomings. He never has, and never will.  Not with the pandemic, or anything, but quickly pats himself on the back when things go right, like when the US economy was at an all-time high when the Pandemic hit. Now that all the gains that were made in the stock market during his presidency are gone, he blames others for it. Now, he lacks the people that he will need to support him in his re-election. His popularity is decreasing, even among Republicans. After 4 years as president, he still has yet to prove himself. A decent man he is not, and the one person everyone could agree, Democrat or Republican is that if he was running against Barack Obama, he would loose, hands down, except for his hard core supporters who support him regardless if he does right or wrong. They will always be supporting him. There is no other person available best qualified to run against Donald Trump than Obama’s Vice-President of 8 years, Joe Biden.

Again, immediately below is the video created by Barack Obama on April 14th, 2020. He openly shows his support for Biden to be elected as the next president in 2020. This endorsement comes directly after the endorsement of his Democratic rival, Bernie Sanders who conceded to Joe and also now supports him as every other Democratic candidate that ran in the primary against him.

Bernie Sanders Insures that Joe Biden Becomes the Presumptive Democratic Nominee

In a split screen moment, Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders discussed issues facing the country. The full video below includes a surprise endorsement of Joe Biden by Bernie and mutual topics of interest were discussed. Bernie knows that now is not the time to continue to run his campaign, but instead go all in with the man that every indication to date, shows that Joe Biden is on a sure path to victory in the Democratic run as the candidate for President. During the primary for the last general election in 2016, Bernie refused to almost the very end to finally support Hilary Clinton as the Presumptive Democratic Nominee for President. This time around, there is still almost 7 months before the next general election of 2020 and Bernie Sanders is on-board to support Joe Biden.

Here is the full video of the split-screen moment of the endorsement…

Joe Biden Will Become the 46th President of the United States

What kind of a man do Democrats have that will run against the most dangerous President in American history? The following video will explain what kind of man should and will become the next President of the United States.

After 8 years as the 44th President of the United States, President Barack Obama payed tribute to Joe Biden, as he presented to him the Presidential Medal of Freedom just before he left office. The date was January 12, 2017. I begin reporting to the viewers of this blog with President Obama outlining in fair detail, what Joe Biden is and what he represents while paying tribute to him as being the best Vice-President he could have ever had during his presidency. My job here will be to continue reporting about Vice-President Joe Biden for the next 4 years and maybe beyond, especially now since he has become the Presumptive Democratic Presidential Nominee to run against our current president Donald J. Trump who is the most divisive president in American history, but to continue reporting on Joe Biden especially when he becomes the 46th President of the United States.

View the video below and get a real inside look into the man who will win the Whitehouse in November.